1. How to follow up the variance after completing the inventory scan
2. Select date of inventory scan and store location then click Display
You should see the inventory record, total count of inventory scanned and the Variance Quantity and Cost
All Variances need to be recounted to verify that the missing item was not just overlooked during scanning. Your Manager/District Manager needs to be notified of all variances
3. To adjust the tangible items there will be a button on the left bottom of the inventory tangible audit listing screen like this:
4. You should see at the top of the page Tangible Inventory Audit Adjust. You can verify the system quantity is correct. Print a detailed report and adjust the quantity on the paperwork before adjusting the system.
5.Now we are going to adjust the systems on hand to the correct quantity. Go to the home screen, Select Find Inventory:
6.Click on Non-Serialized Only. put the item number in the Keyword search box or UPC. After submitting an item or UPC on the keyword search box click Find.
7. The two pictures are examples of the part number and SKU/UPC of an accessory.
Example 1: Model/Part Number (GQC2033) and SKU/UPC (846537080104)
Example 2: Model/Part Number (NVPA1931) and SKU/UPC (846537060359)
8. After finding the item click on the quantity. A window will pop up to put in your passcode.
9. Adjust the quantity on hand where it is highlighted to the correct amount
10. After adjusting the Qty on Hand Save the entry by clicking on SAVE at the bottom left. This updates the system count