We will need to be prepared and knowledgeable on warranty exchanges so we can continue to offer a great customer experience.
- Please go to https://portal.
assurantlogistics.com/ now to verify you can log in.
- You need to log in every 90 days, or it will automatically lock you out and we will need to request access again. If you cannot log in, let me know ASAP so I can request access.
- If you have a new dealer code, follow the below instructions to log in for the 1st time.
- Have you returned your Apple demos yet??? The iPhone 12 and iPhone SE2 need to be returned by 3/30 so let’s get it don’t if you have not already! See the attachment marked Demo Returns for step-by-step instructions.
- Attached is a training participant guide from an old Assurant portal training. The processes are still relevant and if you have never processed a warranty exchange, this is a great guide to walk you through it. I suggest you print this and keep it handy to refer to as needed.